Reading Resolutions

“I resolve to read more this year.” 

Great idea, but how will you do that? What do you mean when you say read more?

This info from Team OverDrive (the company behind our Beyond Library Walls ebook collection) will help you figure out how to make a reading resolution work for you!

Team OverDrive’s 2020 Reading Resolutions





OverDrive Update re: Security Breach of Adobe Data

An OverDrive update regarding the reported security breach of Adobe data
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 09:52 AM PST
Note: OverDrive powers our Library’s Beyond Library Walls Digital Collection

As widely reported, Adobe confirmed that they suffered a security breach of customer data on their servers. The company posted information at their blog here:

Adobe has confirmed that OverDrive school and library users with activated Adobe eBook accounts may have been affected. Here is information that they have provided.

  1. Adobe is in the process of resetting passwords and notifying affected users. Affected users will receive an email alert advising them to reset their Adobe password in order to continue access to their Adobe account. For security purposes and as a recommended practice, Adobe is encouraging affected users to reset their Adobe passwords as well as reset passwords for any non-Adobe services/applications (in case they used the same user ID and password as was used with Adobe).
  2. Reactivation of previously authorized eBook software and apps using Adobe DRM (Adobe Digital Editions and OverDrive Media Console) is NOT required in order to maintain access to Adobe eBooks or to download new ones, even if users have since changed the password on their Adobe ID.
  3. New activations of ADE and OMC will not be possible until users have reset their password with Adobe. This is because Adobe has reset everyone’s existing password.
  4. OverDrive users can choose to de-authorize ADE or OMC on their devices and re-authorize with their new password; however, that is not necessary or recommended.
  5. Users who have changed their Adobe password and wish to also update their passwords through OverDrive should do so. Changing passwords periodically and using different passwords for different accounts are good security practices.
  6. At OverDrive, we do not store emails or passwords for Adobe ID on OMC. We do store emails and passwords for those that registered an OverDrive ONE account. Users can change and reset their OverDrive ONE password by either using the “Forgot password” link or by using the “Settings” panel. Users who have registered for OverDrive ONE using their Facebook account will have to re-authenticate OverDrive ONE in OMC if they have also updated their Facebook email or password.

OverDrive Media Console 3.0

OverDrive  For your eReading and eListening pleasure ….

  Beyond Library Walls Digital CollectionOverDrive Media Console 3.0 is live!

OverDrive is proud to announce the release of OverDrive Media Console 3.0, which is now live for iOS and Android users. Once you update your OMC app on your smartphone or tablet you will see a number of new features.

  Check it out!

OverDrive Announces New eBook Platform

eBook distributor OverDrive has announced plans to introduce “OverDrive Read,” a new ebook platform that will enable readers to use standard web browsers to read ebooks on computers and mobile devices without installing any additional software or activating a dedicated device.

OverDrive powers our Beyond Library Walls Digital Collection.  We’ll keep you posted about the launch.

Penguin, Kindle Users, and OverDrive

Yesterday, we received word from OverDrive, which powers our Beyond Library Walls Digital Collection, that as of today (February 10, 2012):

Penguin will no longer offer additional copies of eBooks and download audiobooks for library purchase. Additionally, Penguin eBooks loaned for reading on Kindle devices will need to be downloaded to a computer, then transferred to the device over USB. For library patrons, this means Penguin eBooks will no longer be available for over-the-air delivery to Kindle devices or to Kindle apps. 

OverDrive is continuing to talk to Penguin about their future plans for eBook and digital audiobook availability for library lending.

We have some Penguin publications in our Beyond Library Walls collection.  If you’re a Kindle user, this change affects you.

If you have questions about downloading BSC Library eBooks to your eReader (whatever kind you have), ask us.  We can help!

Project Gutenberg

Top 25 Project Gutenberg eBook Titles Excerpted and adapted from an August 29, 2011, blog posting by Jason Sockel, a Content Sales Associate at OverDrive

When Michael Hart endeavored to create Project Gutenberg 40 years ago, he probably did not envision the #1 downloaded title being the Kama Sutra, but a surprising search revealed just that.

Project Gutenberg is an expansive set of free eBooks, digitized and assembled by Hart (who, incidentally, is the inventor of the eBook) when he was a college student in Illinois.  Since that time, his team has digitized more than 30,000 titles that are available in the public domain, allowing free download access to anyone in the United States with an eReader. 

Most titles in the Gutenberg collection are free of copyrights in the U.S., meaning they can not only be downloaded for reading, they can also be used for distribution, recreation and adaptation.  Teachers can print and distribute excerpts for their classes; artists can perform the works in front of an audience; and titles can be transferred to audio or other formats.  Each title provides licensing information when it is downloaded, so be sure to check the rights prior to utilizing the books for commercial benefit.

Now that you know a little about Project Gutenberg, here are the 25 most downloaded titles.  How many have you read?

  1. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana by Vatsyayana (25732)
  2. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (18298)
  3. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (15090)
  4. The Best American Humorous Short Stories (13854)
  5. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (12106)
  6. Ulysses by James Joyce (11361)
  7. How to Analyze People on Sight by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict (11248)
  8. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (11063)
  9. The Art of War by Sunzi (10303)
  10. Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie (9228)
  11. War and Peace by graf Leo Tolstoy (8694)
  12. The Bible, Old and New Testaments, King James Version (8626)
  13. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare (8367)
  14. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete by Leonardo da Vinci (8313)
  15. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (8249)
  16. The 2010 CIA World Factbook by United States. Central Intelligence Agency (8130)
  17. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (8105)
  18. Grimm’s Fairy Tales by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (7717)
  19. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (7681)
  20. The Time Machine by H. G. Wells (7330)
  21. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (7087)
  22. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (7055)
  23. The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie (6982)
  24. Dracula by Bram Stoker (6927)
  25. A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (6859)


Kindle Owners Take Note! Amazon to Launch Library Lending for Kindle Books

Good news!  Coming later this year, BSC Library patrons who own Amazon’s Kindle will be able to download eContent from the Library’s Beyond Library Walls Digital Collection (powered by OverDrive) to their devices!  

The launch date hasn’t been set, but is scheduled for “later this year.”   We will keep you posted!

 For more details, here’s the press release: Amazon to Launch Library Lending for Kindle Books.

Make the Most of Your eReader at the BSC Library!

SO … you made the leap and bought a Nook or an iPad or a Sony Reader or some other e-reading device.* 

As a BSC student or employee, you can download all kinds of ebooks, eAudiobooks, video, and music to your device for free!  If you don’t have an eReader, you can download to your desktop.

Beyond Library Walls Digital Collection

Check out the Beyond Library Walls Digital Collection.  Lots of cool stuff there — everything from Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire, and The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest) to classic Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin videos.  

Log in with your BSC library access number, download the free software, and get started! 

Your BSC Library access number is your key to information.  

  • If you have a BSC photo ID, your library access number is the barcode number on the back of your card (starts 23103…)
  • If you are a current BSC student or employee, but don’t already have a BSC photo ID, stop by to get one during regular library hours.  Bring documentation of your EMPL number (W number) and a current photo ID (e.g., driver’s license) with you.
  • If you are a distance student or faculty member, you can apply for an online library access number.

*Note: At this point, Amazon’s Kindle has no library e-lending functionality.  Maybe someday …