After the Apocalypse

What happens to a book reviewer after the apocalypse? 

The Read by Keir Graff

“In the dream he knelt beside a vast and craven crater.  The crater filled with bookwrack.  Boards.  Paper.  Words.  The words unadhorn from the pages and falling to letters.  Broken bookshelves.  Card catalogs filled with dust.  That not burned had been drowned.  Stewy char.  The shorelaps of the polluted waters a sickly susurrus.  The world come unbooked and never to be read again…”

Follow The Read to the end of the road on Booklist Online!

BSC on Digital Horizons

Images and documents from the BSC Library Archives are now available on the Digital Horizons website. 

To limit your search to materials from our Archives collection, choose Advanced Search Options, then type Bismarck State College in the exact phrase search box.   Click on the image to see the full descriptive information. 

Here is a favorite photo from the 50th anniversary celebration at BSC, which was taken on September 15, 1989. 

BSC 50th anniversary 1989

You can find this photo (and 107 other BSC images) on  Digital Horzions.  Check them out!