CHS Artwork at Gannon Gallery / BSC Library

The Gannon Gallery at the BSC Library is displaying an all-media juried show by Century High School art students through February 27. 

Join us for the reception on Thursday, January 30, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the BSC Library.

This is the second year that BSC has hosted CHS artwork in the Gannon Gallery/BSC Library. There are some 160 pieces in the show, and the artwork is impressive and has such variety.  Don’t miss it!

Here are a few images to whet your appetite …

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Art Reception Today!

Art Reception TODAY at the Gannon Gallery/BSC Library!

Century High School Art Show
NOW through February 13, 2013
Gannon Gallery/BSC Library

RECEPTION: Thursday, January 31, 2013, 4-7 p.m.

Gannon Gallery is bursting with artwork from 100+ Century High students

Join us for art, comraderie, cookies, coffee and lemonade 

Free and open to the public